
News and views to improve the strength and vigor of all your direct response marketing activity.

Editor’s Note: This is the second installment of a two-part series that explores 10 steps to getting the maximum lead generation potential from your landing pages.

Welcome to Part 2 of this series about how to squeeze the most sales potential out of your landing pages. Be sure to check out Part 1 if you missed it. Now let’s resume with the smart strategies and tactics.

6. Make sure your offer is compelling
Headlines matter in landing pages, perhaps even more than in print-based tactics. They grab your visitor’s attention. And entice them to read on.

Consider a compelling reason for the prospect to provide their contact information. As marketers, we want leads. But why should your audience provide their information? A bit of empathy can go a long way in considering their viewpoint.

Remember: People skim EVERYTHING online. They do not read. Communicate your message via bullet points, bolded words/headlines, video or imagery. (Don’t worry copywriters … your work isn’t any less important. It simply means you need to carefully craft your words.) Being brief can be extremely powerful.

7. Provide proof why your offer should be believed
No one wants to be the guinea pig. Consumers feel safer doing something if someone else has done it first. Testimonial statements, awards, accreditations, and accolades are all great support features for a landing page — especially if you’re promoting a product or service that’s unfamiliar to your audience. Once you have proof points on your page, “FOMO” (fear of missing out) can help persuade consumers to act! According to Gartner research, 84% of millennials are likely to be influenced to make a purchase based on user-generated content created by strangers. Test user-generated content to see if it has a positive influence on your campaign.

8. Make it impossible to miss your CTA
The Call To Action is the most important element for a direct marketer. This is where the rest of your page’s content should drive attention. This is what converts page visitors into buying customers. Your CTA should be impossible to miss!

If your CTA is a form button, don’t waste it on the word “Submit.” Tell your visitor what happens next, once that button is clicked. Make it compelling. Contrasting colors, larger fonts, captivating messaging, eye-catching location — any or all of the above — are best practices for compelling CTAs on your landing page. Short, action-oriented words work best: “Download Now,” “Start My Free Trial,” “Sign Up Today” are all excellent examples.

9. What happens if the consumer isn’t ready to act?
If you’ve paid media dollars to drive the visit to a landing page, you want to be able to convert. But the reality is, consumers aren’t always ready to commit. Just because someone visited your landing page and didn’t convert doesn’t mean they aren’t a viable prospect.

How would you feel if you went to a store and the salesperson immediately asked you to buy something before you even finished looking around. It’s a turn off, and you’d be upset. You’d likely walk out. It’s okay to build the relationship first without attempting to aggressively sell too soon. Consider it a warm lead and a win in the digital realm because it creates the opportunity for retargeting.

Landing pages can be a highly effective means to support your retargeting efforts. If the visitor left before completing the conversion objective, try to reel them back in using a similar message. Or, try to direct them to an alternative message — one that will compel them to take action!

10. Don’t forget the “Thank you” page
Until recently, the “Thank you” page was primarily used to show gratitude (and where you place conversion-tracking pixels). However, after a consumer has completed your objective and reached this page, here’s your chance to cross-sell/up-sell or increase word of mouth. It’s also the spot where you can bring back navigation and the various ‘exit links’ we discussed removing earlier. Studies have shown that a customer who has just converted is far more apt to convert again.

The digital world may be constantly changing, but these 10 direct response strategies and tactics are tried and true ways to help you drive leads and increase conversions. Need help planning, designing, or developing a landing page for your next campaign? Contact the DMW team today!