U … T … what?

U … T … what?

What is a UTM code and what is it trying to tell you? DMW explains.

Curious about Clicks

Curious about Clicks

Just what are those little ads at the top of my browser? DMW explains.

Pandemic Pondering

Pandemic Pondering

How should you continue to communicate with your members during COVID? DMW Explains.

Need Marketing Knowledge

Need Marketing Knowledge

Ever wonder why it’s called direct marketing? DMW explains.

Mailing It In

Mailing It In

What IS the point of direct mail? DMW explains.

Craving New Creative

Craving New Creative

How does stale creative effect a good offer? DMW explains.

KPI Conundrum

KPI Conundrum

Do you know your KPIs from your ABCs? DMW does and explains.